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Graduated in Fine Arts at the University of Seville, his work observes the absurd and the useless starting from the concrete relationship with the object. After observation and study process, the subversion of logic follows creating proposals that play with the plausibility of the useful, but that lead us to face the absolute lack of understanding and meaning.


In his production, mostly photographic, he uses the object, installation, video and sculpture.


During 2021, he developed his editorial project “Husos Múltiples” which was awarded of the VEGAP Support for Creation. In 2019 he developed the project “Construcciones de senso” in Senegal, awarded by the II Call for TRANSVERSIA residency grants, of the ANKARIA Foundation.


Since 2018, he has been coordinating the artists with grants at “Encuentros de Arte de Genalguacil”, in Malaga.

Solo exhibitions

Solo Exhibitions


2023 "DESUSOS", Espacio Derivado, Seville (ES)

2023 "A CADEIRA (The Chair)", Galeria NAVE, Lisbon (PT)

2021, “10th”, Genalguacil Museum of Contemporary Art, curated by Juan Francisco Rueda, Málaga, (ES)

2021, “For nothing”, Gallery T20, text by Fernando Gómez de la Cuesta, Murcia (ES)

2020, “Cosas de casa”, PHotoEspaña Festival OFF with Galería Espacio Olvera (online)

2018, “I don’t understand anything”, Support INICIARTE Junta de Andalusia, Sala Santa Inés, Seville (ES)

2018, “Sobre todos las cosas”, ARTE SANTANDER Galería Espacio Olvera, curated by Reyi Pérez Castillo, Santander (ES)

2017, “Logically”, Galeria La 13, Huelva (ES)

2016, “Impermanencia”, House of Culture of Doña Mencía, Cordoba (ES)

2014, “We are all going to die”, La sala, Seville (ES)


Group exhibitions

Group Exhibitions

2024 "BE MY GUEST" curated by NAVE, Galeria NAVE, Lisbon (PT)

2023 “Opuestos”, curated by Juan Francisco Rueda, MAC Genalguacil, Málaga (ES)

2023 "Rare Earths", Glogau, Berlin (DE)

2023 "WANDERLUST", curated by NAVE, Artes Mota Galiza Porto (PT)

2023 “Los únicos que saben de arte son los artistas”, Galeria Zunino, Seville (ES)

2022 "(0/1) o zero e o um", curated by NAVE, MUHNAC National Museum of Natural History and Science of Lisbon (PT)

2022, "Transversia" LA BIENNALE DE DAKAR, Boribana Museum, Dakar + Siki Gallery, Saint Louis (SE)

2022, "Present Tense", curated by NAVE, LAGE EGAL, Berlin (GE)

2021, “Propuestas VEGAP 2020 - Proyectos ganadores”, CentroCentro , Madrid (ES)

2021, “XIV Certamen Fundación Unicaja”, Centro Cultural Fundación Unicaja, Malaga (ES)

2021, Exhibition “XIV Certamen Unicaja de Artes Plásticas”, Centro Fundación Unicaja de Antequera, Malaga (ES)

2020, “Del transito y lo transitorio”, Espacio Olvera Gallery, Seville (ES

2020, “Bauhaus: 100 years of the total revolution of a language”, Diputación de Seville (ES)

2020, “Confinement ARCHIVE”, curated by María Arregui (online)

2020, “Scattergories”, exhibition curated by Nerea Ubieto and Alejandro Castellote (online)

2019, “45 years of the Fúcares Gallery”, Almagro (ES)

2019, “14th Bienal Martínez Guerricabeitia”, City Museum, Valencia (ES)

2019, “Bauhaus”, Province House, Seville (ES)

2019, “72 hours” Galeria Zunino, Seville (ES)

2019, “El jardín secreto” Salas da Coracha MUPAM, Malaga (ES)

2019, “Últimos paisajes” Fernando Centeno Contemporary Art Museum, Genalguacil, Malaga (ES)

2018, “15 Mostra” Museum of Contemporary Art of the Naturgy Foundation, A Coruña (ES)

2018, “HYBRID”, Petit Palace, Madrid (ES)

2018, “Landscape. Surroundings and context”, curated by Juan Fco. Rueda, M.A.C. from Genalguacil, Malaga (ES)

2018, “ArtBanchel”, Studio 10, Madrid, (ES)

2018, “Ausencias”, CICUS curated by Antonio Jiménez AJG, Seville (ES)

2017, “Parasitos”, CAAC Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Seville (ES)

2017, “DesArraigo”, Sala La Económica, included in the INICIARTE programme, Málaga (ES)

2017, “Under 35”, GACMA Gallery, Malaga (ES)

2017, “The Host”, ArtSevilla, Seville (ES)

2017, “Art Marbella”, Stand Genalguacil curated by Juan Francisco Rueda, Marbella (ES)

2016, “ABSURD”, Galeria Octubre, Universidad Jaume I, Castellón (ES)

2016, “The shapes of silence”, El Huerto del Tertuliano, Valladolid (ES)

2016, “ART&BREAKFAST2”, Malaga (ES)

2016, “Notas al margen”, Cosmopoética Festival, Antonio Gala Foundation, Córdoba (ES)

2016, “UNDER 35” GACMA Gallery, Malaga (ES)

2015, “Strategies for climbing a tree”, Galeria La Lisa, Albacete (ES)

2015, “Un chien andalou” en PALMA Photo, Palma de Mallorca (ES)

2015, UNDER 35 at the GACMA Gallery, Malaga (ES)

2015, “Histeria y Tradicción” at the History Museum of El Carpio (during Scarpia XIV), Córdoba (ES)

2015, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Genalguacil, Malaga (ES)

2015, Malaga CREA at La Caja Blanca, Malaga (ES)

2015, MARTE International Contemporary Art Fair, Castellón (ES)

2015, National Contemporary Art Competition, Ciudad de Utrera, Seville (ES)

2015, “The Faces Book” at Casa Sostoa, Malaga (ES)

2015, “Jäälphoto”, Madrid (ES)

2014, “CALL 14”, Galeria Luis Adelantado, Valencia (ES)

2014, “Jäälproject”, Photography fair, Madrid (ES)

2014, “BLUR PHOTO”, La Galería Roja, Seville (ES)

2014, “FINDE 01”, at ECCO Espacio de Creación Contemporánea, Cádiz (ES)

2014, “Bi-Nomios”, Sala de la Muralla. UNIVERSITY OF MALAGA (ES)

2014, “100×100”, Galería A del Arte, Zaragoza (ES)

2014, “Plan Renew”, Seville (ES)

2013, XIX National Competition of Plastic Arts University of Seville (ES)

2013, FACBA Contemporary Art Fair, Faculty of Fine Arts of Granada (ES)

2013, Ayuntamiento de Archidona, Project Scarpia Garden, Malaga (ES)

2013, “Art and Natura” Centro Ataria, Vitoria (ES)

2013, “En Escena” Z Jornadas de Arte, Montalbán, Cordoba (ES)

2012, MUVIM (Valencian Museum of Illustration and Modernity (ES)

2012, “Incubarte”, Valencia (ES)

2012, María Nieves Martín Art Gallery in Villafranca de los Barros, Badajoz (ES)

2012, “No me quemo”, Faculty3 of Fine Arts of Seville, Sala Espacio GB (ES)

2012, Arévalo International Contemporary Art Fair. Church of San Martín, Avila (ES)



2020, VEGAP Proposals

2018, Award-winning work at the XXXIX Contemporary Art Competition of the Ciudad de Utrera

2017, INICIARTE selected individual project

2016, Selected project INICIARTE, curated by Regina Pérez Castillo

2016, Award-winning project in DMencia, Córdoba

2016, Award-winning project at the 1st Culla Contemporânea Residence, Castellón

2014, Project selected in Jäälproject, Madrid

2014, Selected for CALL, Galeria Luis Adelantado, Valencia

2012, Work selected and acquired at the XIX National Art Show in Seville

2012, Audiovisual Festival Iuventus Fest (Utopia)

Accésit at the XIX Experimental Poetry Prize, Diputación de Badajoz



2019, TRANSVERSIA Residency of the ANKARIA Foundation, Senegal

2019, A SECAS, CAAC Andalusian Center for Contemporary Art, Seville

2019, II Villalar-Castilla y León Foundation Artists Meeting

2018, Contemporary Culla, Castellón)

2016, New Artists Meeting, Santiago de Compostela)

2015, PINEA, Rota




DKV Collection

Artillery Museum, Murcia

Ankaria Foundation, Madrid

Benin Madrid Collection

University of Seville

Genalguacil Museum of Contemporary Art, Malaga

MARTE International Contemporary Art Fair

House of Culture of Utrera

Archidona City Council, Malaga

Deputation of Badajoz

Newcastle Foundation

Culla City Council, Castellon




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